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Regional Travel Voucher Scheme

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

Register for a $200 voucher to spend on accommodation, attractions or tours in regional Victoria!

Business Victoria is offering up to 120,000 vouchers to Victorian residents to contribute to the costs of accommodation, tourism attractions or tours undertaken in regional Victoria, the Yarra Ranges and the Mornington Peninsula. Victorians who receive a voucher and spend at least $400 on accommodation, attractions or tours during their stay will be eligible to receive a reimbursement of $200 on presentation of receipts. The program works on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis and each round will close once all places have been filled for that particular round. Victorian residents over the age of 18 are eligible to apply. Each household is limited to one voucher for the entire scheme. Each voucher gives the recipient the right to claim a reimbursement of $200 if they have spent at least $400 on accommodation, a tourism attraction or tour in regional Victoria, the Yarra Ranges or the Mornington Peninsula. Applications open tomorrow, Friday 11 December 2020 at 10am. You must submit a registration online via the 'Apply now' button (link provided below)

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