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Payroll Tax

Vanessa Miranda

The March 2021 return is now available in PTX Express and is due by Wednesday 7 April 2021. Payroll tax is payable in Victoria if your business pays wages over $54,166 in any month of the year. Payroll tax relief for eligible businesses The Victorian Government has announced further support to help businesses through to the other side of the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses or group members with Victorian payrolls of up to $10 million can defer the payment of their payroll tax for the 2020-21 until 2021-22 under the additional coronavirus tax relief measures. You do not need to apply for the deferral, it will be automatically applied for eligible businesses. If you do not want to defer paying your payroll tax, you can continue to make payments as usual. If you would like more information about how to deal with the impact of coronavirus on your business, visit, which is regularly updated as new information becomes available. For more information about payroll tax, email us or call 13 21 61. As always, please contact our office if you would like further information

Vanessa & the team at Mirandas.

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