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Trustee Resolution

Vanessa Miranda

Do you have a trust? If so, you must comply with the ATO law and complete and file your trustee resolution dated before June 30! Our office will send you this form, unique to your trust, to sign and return to make sure your business complies with ATO laws. Trustees who wish to make beneficiaries of a trust presently entitled to trust income for an income year do this by way of making resolutions in writing and filed in your trust file. You need to ensure resolutions meet the requirements outlined by the ATO. If a resolution is not effective, other beneficiaries or you (as trustee) may instead be assessed on the relevant share of the trust's net (taxable) income. Where a trustee is assessed, that may be at the top rate of tax of 48.5%. If you make beneficiaries entitled to trust income for an income year by way of a resolution, it will only be effective for determining who is assessed on the trust's net (taxable) income if it is made by the end of the income year (30 June). If you make beneficiaries entitled to trust income for an income year by way of a resolution, it will only be effective for determining who is assessed on the trust's net (taxable) income if it is made by the end of the income year (30 June). If you do not receive your resolution from our office by Monday June 1st and you operate a trust, please contact us asap. You should also contact us if you have any queries or questions. Otherwise, Happy Friday!!

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