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Incentives and payments overview

Vanessa Miranda

There has been many incentives and stimulus packages available to you as a result of this pandemic and our government trying to cope with this and keeping our economy alive. It will be a challenging time for all our businesses and there will be more changes to come. We wanted to brief you on the main points for you to consider. You may be entitled to some assistance if: -You have a downturn of more than 30% in your income for the month -You have been forced to close because of the health restrictions in place -You have employees who you have had to let go -You lodge a BAS statement and withhold tax on employees -You have a tax debt or lodgement that you cannot pay All our clients and ourselves are impacted in some way by our changing economy and we are here to support you. We are not seeing clients in our office, but are happy to arrange phone or skype appointments where necessary. The quickest way to contact us as always is via email. Please be aware that Miranda Accounting is also a small business. We have reduced our staff numbers and are feeling the cash flow effects of our clients who do not pay their accounts. As a result, we will not be lodging any returns until your account with us is paid. If you cannot adhere to this policy, please contact Vanessa Miranda directly via email. We thank you for your understanding and support. As always, we are here to support you, so please contact us if we can be of further assistance. Stay safe and successful in these changing times.

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