Tax planning is essential for all businesses who want to be able to project their earnings and therefore their tax payable at 30th June. We can help you to save tax before the year ends by examining your current activity and performance of your business. We then forecast the tax payable and assess how this can be reduced or delayed. We will assist you with tax minimisation strategies including depreciation, SBE concessions, superannuation and other accelerated deductions. Our service is tailored to your business and to your situation and we can support your business with assessments of your income and expenditure with our technical knowledge and business experience. Please contact Vanessa either by email or at the office 9773 3647 to arrange this planning for your business As always, please contact us with any queries or accounting support you require. Take care Vanessa and the team at Mirandas
Key pandemic dates: 8th May - Employees eligible for Job Keepers must be paid by this date if you want to claim Job Keepers for the first fortnight (ending 12th April) 1st June - Final day to lodge intent to claim Job Keepers 5th June - Extension date for lodgement of tax returns for year ended 30th June 2019 30th June - Lodging your intent to claim super for the 2020 year final date. 7th Sept - Final day to lodge unpaid superannuation amnesty
MIRANDA ACCOUNTING SERVICES 8/263 – 271 Wells Road, Chelsea Heights Vic 3196 PO Box 476, Patterson Lakes VIC 3197 Tel 03 9773 3647